What is CLaCS?

CLaCS (Cryo Laser and Cryo Sclerotherapy) is a novel spider vein treatment method pioneered by Dr. Kasuo Miyake of Sao Paulo, Brazil. It uses a combination of cryotherapy, transdermal (topical) laser, and sclerotherapy injections to cool the skin, shrink the veins, and seal them shut. Once blood stops flowing through the vein, your body will reroute blood flow to healthy veins, absorb the spider vein, and make new vein branches. Our clinic is one of very few to offer CLaCS in Australia.

The benefits of CLaCS for spider veins

CLaCS is an effective treatment method for spider veins. In most cases, patients see a 70% reduction in their spider veins a few days after their first session. Generally, 2-3 sessions are required for the best results. Combining the Nd:YAG transdermal laser with sclerotherapy makes these treatments more effective for certain vein clusters than they would be alone. The addition of augmented reality also lets us see any underlying feeder veins (i.e., the veins contributing to spider vein clusters) and treat them, reducing your risk of new spider vein clusters appearing in the area.

Augmented Reality

The treatment process

  1. We use VeinViewer to pinpoint the locations of your spider veins and any underlying feeder veins.
  2. We’ll use the Nd:YAG to shrink your spider veins, sealing the small clusters closer to the skin’s surface.
  3. As we do so, our cryotherapy machine will minimise heat to the skin for improved comfort. 
  4. We’ll then address larger spider veins and any underlying feeder veins through sclerotherapy injections.

What are the complications of CLaCS?

Complications are rare, but some individuals may experience temporary redness, swelling, or bruising at the treatment site. Some patients may also experience skin pigmentation, though this is also a rare occurrence. These side effects usually resolve on their own within a couple of weeks.

A more serious side effect is an allergic reaction to the sclerosant. However, we will conduct an allergen test during your consultation, greatly minimising your risk.

Transdermal Laser fo Spider Veins

How do I prepare for the treatment?

  • Do not apply creams or lotions to your leg before treatment.
  • Wear loose, comfortable clothing such as linen pants, shorts, or a skirt.
  • Let us know if there are any changes to your medical history before treatment.
  • Minimise sun exposure to the treatment area for several weeks before the procedure.
  • You may be asked to stop taking certain supplements for a few days before and after the procedure.

What should I do after my CLaCS treatment?

The recovery period for CLaCS is generally minimal. You can resume most of your activities within 6 hours and get back into your exercise routine after 24 hours. However, we advise avoiding sun exposure to the treatment site for 2 weeks following the procedure. 

Frequently Asked Questions

The CLaCS procedure is generally well-tolerated. You may experience mild discomfort, but cryotherapy will minimise any potential pain. If your skin is particularly sensitive, let us know. Your clinician may apply an additional numbing agent to increase your comfort.

We use a 1064 nm Nd:YAG transdermal laser, which heats the targeted veins. The specific wavelength of this laser ensures the blood vessels absorb it rather than the skin.

On average, a single CLaCS session can take approximately 30 minutes to an hour, making it a convenient option for those with busy schedules.

While CLaCS is highly effective, new spider veins may develop over time. Remember, spider veins develop due to excess pressure in the vein or chronic venous insufficiency. Excessive strain (such as during childbirth or weightlifting) or a genetic predisposition to CVI increases your risk of forming new spider vein clusters.

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